Known issues and why
– Why does the application show different values when using third party aircraft?
All simulators have their data system where they save the value of all variables and show through the instrument panel.
In the following example we have that the simulator has a speed of 62 knots established, this data is linked to the IAS instrument of the panel and is shown as is.
FSUIPC reads that value and exports it to the applications that need it. PeixConn collects that value and forwards it to the Android applications.

On the other hand, the simulator allows third parties to use their own data system, and developers such as A2A, Carenado, Aerosoft, etc. is what they do to have more accurate simulations.
This creates a big problem because the data used by third parties is not exported outside the simulator.
In the following example, the third-party aircraft uses its own speed system, thereby decoupling the value that the simulator has and using its own in the instrument.
FSUIPC does not have the possibility of accessing third party values and continues to export the simulator’s own value, so it continues to export 62 knots instead of the 71 knots used by the current aircraft.

Normally the different values are usually RPM, oil temperatures and pressures, fuel flows, and whatever values the developer wanted to use to their advantage. For this reason, external applications such as Peixsoft’s have strange behaviors with third-party aircraft, because they cannot know that the data that arrives is not what the user expects.