General Aviation Panel for Android (GA Panel)

Interactive flight decks of aircraft and helicopter to connect with Microsoft Flight Simulator, Prepar3D and X-Plane (with some limitations).

The instruments are adjusted with a single finger and all movements are softened. It allows you to remove the simulator instrument panel so that the whole screen is used for the scenery.


Available models

  • Cessna 172
  • Cessna 182
  • Beechcraft Baron 58 (X-plane & MSFS version)
  • Beechcraft King Air C90 (X-Plane)
  • Beechcraft King Air 350 (MSFS)
  • North American P-51D Mustang
  • Robin DR400
  • Bell 206B JetRanger
  • Robinson R22 Beta
  • Guimbal Cabri G2


Note about Guimbal Cabri G2: The behavior and colors of the indicators are based on the real helicopter, and not so much on the MSFS version.


Required extra downloads

Note that the application does nothing by itself, it must be connected to the simulator via WiFi.

The free applications FSUIPC and PeixConnect must be installed on the simulator computer for use with MSFS/P3D, which they make interface between computer and Android devices.

Click next links for detailed steps and required downloads:
Use with Flight Simulator / Prepar3D
Use with X-Plane

For highest performance and battery saving you can hide the photorealistic image and display only the instruments.


Trial mode / Full version

In free trial mode the application works fully for several minutes of connection to test the app before buy. A screen appears at the end of trial with a button to purchase the unlimited license. The app can be purchased at any time using the options menu.


GA Panel example of use

GA Panel example of use

GA Panel example of use


Available for Android 13 and above.
Get it on Google Play